Month: June 2017

Review: Somehow, Some way by Jennifer Probst
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Review: Somehow, Some way by Jennifer Probst

Who doesn’t like enemies to lovers especially when it’s about co-workers who can’t stand each other?! Charlotte Grayson loves her job, renovating and working for the Pierce Brothers Construction is simply put a dream come true for her and she also loves the people she works for all apart from the giant uptight architect, Brady….

Sworn to Protect by Diana Gardin Review, Excerpt and Giveaway
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Sworn to Protect by Diana Gardin Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

Rating~ 3.75- 4 stars I quite enjoyed this one! This was my first book by Diana Girdin and certainly won’t be the last! What’s is about:  Rayne Alexander left her hometown and her family behind at 17, pregnant and alone. Betrayed by her family, the guy she loved and his family she was devastated. But all…

Excerpt: Wicked Favor by Sawyer Bennett

Excerpt: Wicked Favor by Sawyer Bennett

We’re at a table with six other people who Jerico knows. It hits me suddenly that he’s not just a hermit who hides in The Wicked Horse, but a real businessman. He owns a prominent security-consulting company and is probably very involved with the community if he’s attending functions like this.I sit quietly, feeling like…