Review: Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

on 10th September 2018
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Sports
Pages: 444
Format: eARC
Source: the Author
Buy on Amazon US, Buy on Amazon UK

Well well well. This was my first read by Kennedy Ryan and I went into this book just reading the blurb and I had no idea about certain things that might have stopped me from making that horrified face I made when I realised what was going to happen. Regardless of that shock, I enjoyed this book. My emotions are bit of a mess where this book is concerned. I liked some bits, I loved some bits other bits I wished hadn’t happened the way they did.
I really liked the authors writing and as a suggestion just like me I think it would be better for people to be prepared if their some warning or something because as rule, I don’t like reading (View Spoiler »). I was expecting more of the enemies to lovers which there was a bit to it but it was just mostly at the very beginning.
I liked Banner and Jared. Banner was great character who truly worked hard to get where she was. Banner really struggles with body and image issues that a lot of people (including me) can relate too and I found her very easy to connect with and really admired for all she had achieved. However, I kind of hated how some of it play out for her. I kind of saw her response to her client and was like thats very harsh and knowing especially how she felt about this particularly after her previous boyfriend and her beliefs, it just made me feel very uncomfortable for her what happened after.
Jared was an interesting character. Interesting because he showed some morals back in college that seemingly have gone away in his later age or maybe it was because he was love with Banner. His current world of grey especially when its comes to Banner was very particularly interesting.
He had been in really into Banner if not in love with Banner back in college. His pursuit of his lady love while admirable and fascinating to read is something I’d definitely hate it was real life but I also liked him?
Quibbles: View Spoiler »
Did I think they were well matched, I did. Did I love their chemistry ? I did. Did I wish something hadn’t happened they way they had. I REALLY DO. Regardless of that, I think Kennedy Ryan writing is very captivating and I couldn’t stop reading and some of ways that Jared thought of Banner was beautiful. There are very sweet moments in the book as well.
Overall, its a tale of love between two people that can’t seem to stay from each other now that they back in each others orbit, a tale full of ups and down some ugly bits to make the beautiful bits shine a bit brighter.
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I stretch my arm toward the wall and turn out the lights.
With the light snuffed out, my other senses rise, hunting for her in the dark. The smell of her hair and her quick, shallow breaths. My sight adjusts until the heavy black curtain completely obscuring her fades to gray. Light from the outer room spills under the door, revealing just the shape, the outline of her, but still camouflaging details. I cup her cheek, taking a moment to appreciate the softness of her skin, the silky hair brushing my knuckles. I’m not an idiot. She wants the lights out because she’s self-conscious, but from my perspective, she has nothing to be ashamed of.
“I think you’re beautiful, Ban.”
“You do?” she asks, her voice hushed.
My words surprise me as much as they seem to surprise her, because I don’t say shit like that to girls. The prettiest ones usually seem to already know, which makes any admiration I’d express redundant. But Banner . . . she’s so beautiful, and I’m not sure she knows.
“I do.” I push the hair away from her face.
“Uh . . . thank you.” Her laugh isn’t much more than a breath. “The lights are out, so I’m not sure that compliment counts.”
“I know your face by heart. You have seven freckles here.” I swipe a finger over the straight bridge of her nose and drift down to caress her full lips and the tiny dent in her cheek her smile displays. “And a dimple right here.”
I explore the smooth skin of her nape, under a heavy fall of hair.
“Now I want to know your body, too,” I say softly. “Take off your clothes for me, Banner.”
After a sharply indrawn breath, she raises her arms. The rustle of her clothes—the sweatshirt, jeans, socks, shoes—being discarded whisper in the dark. I approximate her by touch, reaching for her arms and closing my fingers around the softness, the velvety skin. I lower my head and run my nose along her neck, discovering.
“You always smell so good.” I’ve wanted to tell her that since the first night we studied here.
“Pretty Pastel,” she replies, her laugh low, nervous.
“What?” I pause.
“The smell. It’s my dryer sheets. The scent is Pretty Pastel.”
“I like it.” I resume my exploration, running a palm over her shoulder, her collarbone until I find the soft, full weight of her breasts, testing them in my hands, cupping them, holding them, brushing the nipples with my thumbs until they pebble and her breaths come harshly.
“You like that?” I ask.
I see her head nod in the semi-darkness. “Yeah. It feels good.”
Her touch startles me in the best way, her hand finding my face, traveling over my mouth, eyes, and hair. I sense her approach, feel tiny pants of breath on my lips, and anticipation has me panting, too, shortens my breath and sharpens my senses. Her mouth seeks mine, eager and sweet when she kisses me. Her pleasure, her excitement matches, answers, fans mine.
I guide her back down to the couch, and with a hand at her shoulder, urge her to stretch out. I’d shave points off my GPA for a glimpse of her, but she doesn’t want that. I get it, so I settle for a taste.
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