Q&A with Author Lorriane Heath

Series: Sins for All Seasons #6
Published by Avon on 29th September 2020
Pages: 384
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She wants lessons in seduction
Althea Stanwick was a perfect lady destined to marry a wealthy lord, until betrayal left her family penniless. Though she’s lost friends, fortune, and respectability, Althea has gained a scandalous plan. If she can learn to seduce, she can obtain power over men and return to Society on her terms. She even has the perfect teacher in mind, a man whose sense of honor and dark good looks belie his nickname: Beast.
But desire like this can’t be taught
Benedict Trewlove may not know his parentage but he knows where he belongs—on the dark side of London, offering protection wherever it’s needed. Yet no woman has ever made such an outrageous request as this mysterious beauty. Althea is out of place amongst vice and sin, even if she offers a wicked temptation he can’t resist. But as the truth of his origin emerges at last, it will take a fierce, wild love to overcome their pasts.
Many thanks for Lorriane Heath to take time to chat with us about her upcoming release Beauty Tempts the Beast!!
Q. 3 words to describe the heroine & Hero?
Lorraine: Hero: Strong, protective, compassionate
Heroine: Daring, determined, independent
Q. Which celebrities/actors would you cast for Beauty Tempts the Beast’s protagonists?
Lorraine: Beast: Jason Mamoa
Beauty: Sophie Turner
Q.What was the inspiration behind Beauty Tempts the Beast?
Lorraine: I’m intrigued by how an unexpected life change can affect how we view ourselves. Both of my characters had certain expectations regarding how their life would unfold—but others’ actions change the path and they have to adjust.
Q. Did you learn anything surprising or a secret about your characters while writing Beauty Tempts the Beast that you didn’t know before? If so, what was it?
Lorraine: I didn’t know that Beast felt guilty because of a life he’d been unable to save.
Q. Favourite scene to write Beauty Tempts the Beast?
Lorraine: A scene that takes place in a gaming hell—it changes the relationship between the hero and heroine.
Q. Most difficult scene to write in Beauty Tempts the Beast?
Lorraine: The epilogue and saying goodbye to all the characters in the series.
Q. What are you currently working on?
Lorraine: I’m working on the second book in a new series, Once Upon a Dukedom. Readers will meet some new characters in BEAUTY TEMPTS THE BEAST and one of them will kick off this new series.
Lorriane Heath’s fascinating Beauty Tempts the Beast releases tomorrow!!